Please read the important information found belowbefore submitting your request.
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Refunds within 15 days of your policy start date may require proof of cancellation.

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Changes and Cancellations

DJpolicy retains all service fees upon cancellation and a minimum retained premium if you have had time on risk. Please read the important information below before submitting your request.

Simple Changes are those which do not affect the premium cost, such as changing;

The Named Insured

Adding an Additional Insured

The Policy Start Date (not the duration)

In only the above cases will a revised certificate be allowed.

Change requests are typically fulfilled next business day. A revised certificate will be emailed to you once the change has been processed.

Simple Change procedures:
  1. Request a simple change via the Changes & Cancellations form above.
  2. Receive your notice of change via email.

Material Changes are those which DO affect the premium cost, such as;

Changing the limit of insurance

Material changes in your operations

To make a material change you must purchase a new policy then submit a cancellation request for the old policy.

Material Change procedures:
  1. Request a 'Material Change' (process refund) via the Changes & Cancellations form above.
  2. Receive your notice of cancellation via email (refunds can take up to 10 business days to appear on your card).
  3. Return to the DJpolicy home page, start a new purchase, and enter your updated event details. Once your new order is processed, forward the new certificate to the venue manager.
  4. Note: If you are in a hurry considering buying a new policy while you wait for a refund. Full refunds (less processing fees) will be available on your first purchase provided the information on this page is followed.

Cancellation with refund (less service fees) is available on all orders who have met the following criteria:

A minimum retained premium of $550 per annual 'on risk' policy (pro-rated refund).

There has been no time on risk (100% premium refund).

In only the above cases will a refund of your insurance apply.

Cancellations received less than 15 business days before the start date of special events or stakeholders receiving certificates of insurance require you to submit a letter from all stakeholders they no longer have an interest in your policy.

We reserve the right to keep a Policy in force if we cannot verify with stakeholders that coverage is no longer required. Refunds may take longer to process than expected.

Cancellation procedures:
  1. Request a 'Material Change' (process refund) via the Changes & Cancellations form above.
  2. Receive your cancellation and refund notice via email.